Port Lavaca, TX Reviews

3 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Port Lavaca

Port Lavaca is a small city located on the coast of Texas, with a population of around 12,000 people. It is known for its scenic beaches and outdoor recreational opportunities, making it a popular destination for tourists and retirees. However, it also has a diverse local economy, with industries such as oil and gas, agriculture, and fishing.

Many user reviews about living in Port Lavaca highlight the laid-back and friendly community as one of its main charms. One reviewer, John, shares, "I've been living in Port Lavaca for over 15 years and I absolutely love it. The people here are so welcoming and there's a strong sense of community." Another user, Sarah, adds, "This is such a wonderful place to raise a family. The schools are great and there are plenty of outdoor activities for kids to enjoy." These reviews reflect the positive atmosphere and family-friendly environment in Port Lavaca.

In addition to the community, many users also mention the affordable cost of living in Port Lavaca. Amy writes, "I moved here from a big city and I was amazed by how much more affordable everything is. Housing, groceries, and other expenses are all much lower here." Another user, Mark, agrees, saying, "For the price, you can't beat the quality of life in Port Lavaca. It's a great value for what you get." These reviews highlight the economic benefits of living in Port Lavaca, making it an attractive option for those looking to save on expenses.

However, a few reviewers also mention some downsides of living in Port Lavaca. One user, Maria, points out, "There's not a lot of job opportunities here, especially for young professionals. Many people end up commuting to nearby cities for work." Another reviewer, Tom, adds, "The weather can be tough, especially during hurricane season. It's something to consider before moving here." While these may be minor drawbacks, they provide a more balanced perspective on living in Port Lavaca.

Overall, the majority of users have positive things to say about living in Port Lavaca. From its friendly community and affordable cost of living to its diverse local economy and beautiful beaches, it offers a quality of life that many enjoy. As reviewer Lisa sums it up, "I've lived in Port Lavaca my whole life and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. It's a hidden gem on the Texas coast."

 based on 3 Reviews
Get to know Port Lavaca with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Port Lavaca

YEs!YEs!YES! - 3/24/2021
Port Lavaca is an amazing place. We have our problems but the city is a cultural heritage location for Eastern European Immigrants. Especially Hungary and Czech Read More

Start Your Review of Port Lavaca

Flesh Eating Bacteria Capital of the Texas Gulf - 2/15/2021
Ground Zero for flesh eating bacteria. You cant eat the fish. A guy died just 17 miles South because the bacteria got into his intestines. Pass this place Read More

Here's what they don't tell you about Port Lavaca - 2/12/2021
(1) I lived there 2 years. Here's what they don't tell you. This town leads the State of Texas for flesh eating bacteria. Dont touch the water! There is no beach other than a 30 x 3 stretch of manmade beach and again don't touch the water! There are people in town who are infected, you can see them with their purple necrotic skin on arms and neck and they've been in steroid and anti-biotic treatment for years. Look it up. (2)Yes, great fishing but you cant eat the fish (somebody died from eating the fish just 17 miles South) and again, you cant touch the water and its impossible to fish without getting wet. (3) Rotten food, its a land of stomach-churning fast food no good restaurants. (4) Hospital has a reputation allright, for giving you staff infections. (5) The local pool discriminates against senior citizens, its totally taken over by small children 100 percent of the time and no provision is made for seniors. (6) No shade trees, its grueling to try to even walk around. (7) No Read More

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